ISSN : 2581 - 3633
A Open Access Journal

International Journal of Medical Science and Advanced Clinical Research (IJMACR)

A Peer Review Journal

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International Journal of Medical Science And Advanced Clinical Research (IJMACR) is a online open-a ccess journal. IJMACR serves the world's research and scholarly communities and aims to be one of the largest publishers for professional and scholarly societies. IJMACR's journals maintain the highest standards of peer review, with some internationally-recognized editors serving on the editorial boards of IJMACR's journals. IJMACR is not only a publisher, but also a hub for Scientists, Academician, and Research Scholars. IJMACR is a platform offering excellent resources for different research fields. It connects traditional publishing with the opportunities afforded by new technologies. Through publishing with IJMACR, your work can enjoy worldwide reach and you can get a quick response from your colleagues worldwide. IJMACR is a world’s most prestigious learned groups and publishers. Our goal is to bring high quality research work. Other than publications of journals & Books, we also provide some subsidiary Products, Tools, Technology and Services like Thesis, Dissertation Project formatting and publishing etc. 

These scholarly open access medical journals aim to contribute to the progress and application of scientific discoveries, by providing free access to the research information. The published work reaches the general public and the scientific community immediately after publication, thus providing higher citation rates for the author. 

Aims and Scope

International Journal of Medical Science And Advanced Clinical Research (IJMACR) is an international Publication House and it aims to explore the innovations surrounding the inter-disciplinary interaction from various perspectives and to encourage cooperation among all scientific and between the academic and business fields. Investigation of knowledge has made scientists famous. So investigation of your work to the world not only makes you legendary but also creates a glow in the flourishing scientists, nourishes the researchers and furnishes the science of art. IJMACR provides you the platform, with all aspects of Medical Sciences such as Pathology, Forensic Medicine, Cardiology, Dermatology & Venereology, Hematology, Anesthesia, Radiology, Obstetrtics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Medicine, Physiology, Anatomy, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Microbiologist, Surgery and Dentery & Dental Surgery. Nursing such as Cardio vascular and thoracic nursing, Critical care nursing, Oncology nursing, Neuro sciences nursing, Nephro urology nursing, Orthopedic nursing, Gastro & Entreology nursing. Pharmacy such as Quality Assurance, Pharmacognosy, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dosage form design and Bio-Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutics & Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology. Physiotherapy such as Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Orthopedics, Neurology. The ultimate goal of IJMACR is to take your research and review to share your ideas and spread your knowledge to every corner of the world by cutting off the time factor. 

Very important Notice

International Journal of Medical Science And Advanced Clinical Research (IJMACR) journals are open access & published Bi-Monthly and in the single language like English only. All manuscripts are subject to rapid peer review. Publication charges are to be paid for qualitative manuscript and normal publication process. Please contacts us or send a mail to: or

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International Journal of Medical Science And Advanced Clinical Research (IJMACR) requires authors to declare all conflicat interests in relation to their research work. All submitted original research article, original research papers, case report, clinical report and short communication must include a "Conflicat of Interest" section at the front of the manuscript listing all competing interests such as financial and non-financial. Where authors have no conflicat interests, the statement should read “The authors have declared that no conflicat interests exist.” Editors may ask for further information relating to competing interests. Editors and reviewers are also required to declare any competing interests in research work and will be excluded from the peer review process if a competing interest exists.


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