ISSN : 2581 - 3633
A Open Access Journal

International Journal of Medical Science and Advanced Clinical Research (IJMACR)

A Peer Review Journal

Volume - 8 - 2025 Issue -1 - February


S.No. Title of Manuscript Page No Download/ PDF
1 Comparative Study between Novel Zipper Device Versus Sutures For Wound Closure After Surgical Site Incisions

Author: 1Dr. Raiya Gharchar, 2Dr.Sushil Damor, 3Dr.Digant Patel, 4Dr.Saurav Damor
2 A Study of Stressful Life Events Contributing To Relapse in Alcohol Dependence Syndrome Patients at A Tertiary Care Centre

Author: 1Dr. Alok N Ghanate, 2Dr. Niketh Gudadur, 3Dr. Prafulla J Wali
3 Regaining the Confidence by Reattaching the Tooth Fragment –A Case Report

Author: 1Dr. Sasalawad Shilpa, 2Dr. S K Srinath, 3Dr. Hemashree GS, 4Dr.Amina Zulfiquar
4 Giant Cell Tumor of Left Distal Femur: A Case Report

Author: 1Dr. Amol Dilip Havale, 2Dr. Rajesh Kishanrao Ambulgekar
5 Cytomorphological Spectrum of Lymphnode Lesions

Author: 1Dr Urja Bhatt, 2Dr Nirali Shah
6 Relationship of incisive papilla to inter-canine line and anterior teeth in the population of Gujrat

Author: 1Dr. Abhay Machchhhar, 2Dr. Nilesh Patel, 3Dr. Nilesh Gadiya
7 Histopathological Pattern of Endometrial Biopsies in Women with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in A Tertiary Care Hospital in Central Gujarat

Author: 1Dr. Suruchi Akbari, 2Dr. Nidhi Shah, 3Dr. Shobhana Prajapati, 4Dr. Roopam Gidwani
8 Circumcision with A Stapler Compared To Conventional Circumcision

Author: 1Dr. Harshitha Kolipey, 2Dr. Digant Patel, 3Dr. Mukesh Pancholi, 4Dr D.B. Choksi, 5Dr. Jagrut Patel, 6Dr. Mit Patel
9 Rapunzel Syndrome with Intestinal Obstruction: A Rare Entity

Author: 1Dr. Mit Patel, 2Dr. Mukesh Pancholi, 3Dr. Digant Patel, 4Dr. Bharat Rathwa, 5Dr. Kalpesh Patel, 6Dr. Akshat Vyas
10 Sinonasal Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma: A Rare Case Report

Author: 1Dr. Sonal Upadhyay, 2Dr. Madhusudan Astekar, 3Dr. Himanshu Sharma
11 High Body Mass Index in Pregnancy, its Effects on Maternal and Fetal Outcome

Author: 1Dr. Vaishnavi Sinwar, 2Dr. Jaya Choudhary, 3Dr. Ranjana Atal, 4Dr. Sejal Saklani
12 Epidural Analgesia for Labour Pain - Effect of Change in the Catheter length in the Epidural Space

Author: 1Gemavat Mahavir, 2Gemavat Honey, 3Ajoy Raj Malape, 4M Khashaba
13 CNS Tuberculosis in India: A Systematic Review

Author: 1Dr Priyanka Changmai, 2Dr Amrit Kumar Saikia, 3Dr Yashwant Kumar Choudhury
14 Residual rotational instability after ACL reconstruction: is leat the answer for grade 3 pivot shift

Author: 1Davinder Singh, 2Ashu Kumar Meena,3Amit Hegde, 4Rohit Sherawat
15 The Relationship between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Lower Cross Syndrome among Sedentary Individuals- A Correlational Study

Author: 1Dr Aneri Patwari, 2Dr. Loken Parmar
16 Extramedullary Plasmacytoma of Left Buccal Mucosa – A Rare Case Presentation

Author: 1C.R. Fathima Shirin, 2Gopinadh Soumya, 3Thomas Sherin Ann, 4K.L. Girija
17 Clinicopathological Correlation and P16 Expressions in Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia

Author: 1Dr Anusree V.T, 2Dr Natarajan M, 3Dr Dayananda S Biligi
18 Hemoglobinopathies by High Performance Liquid Chromatography, 2 years 5 Months Study of 899 Cases in A Teaching Institute

Author: 1Dr. Sayali Shinde, 2Dr.Nirmala Gaikwad, 3Dr.Dipti Jadhav, 4Dr.Smita Sawant, 5Dr. Kalpana Hajirnis
19 Caesarean Scar Ectopic Pregnancy: A Case Report

Author: 1Likitha Urs, 2Nagarathnamma R, 3Shruthi K
20 Clinical Profile and Outcome of Sepsis in patients admitted in Medical ICU and its correlation with SOFA Score

Author: 1Dr Jestine Abraham, 2Dr Vivek Bajaj, 3Dr Simmi Dube, 4Dr Arvind Kumar Mittal
21 Planning The Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Author: 1Siddharam M Patil, 2Madhura Mangalvedhekar
22 Periodontal Implications of Rare Genetic Disorders in Adolescence

Author: 1Dr. Prachi Gupta, 2Dr. Sumit Bhatt, 3Dr. Saurabh S Simre, 4Dr. Shweta Singh, 5Dr. Abhinav Garg, 6Jahnavi Vanteru
23 Dental Implants in High-Risk Patients: Challenges, Innovations and Outcomes

Author: 1Maj Dr. Ayush Srivastava, 2Dr. Anjali Rathore, 3Dr. Radhika Yagnik Gupta, 4Dr. Sumit Bhatt, 5Dr. Saurabh S Simre, 6Dr Md Sharifuzzaman
24 Comparison of Dexamethasone and Magnesium Sulphate As Adjuvants To 0.5% Ropivacaine in Ultrasound Guided Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block- A Prospective, Randomized, Double Blind Study

Author: 1Dr. Vandhana S, 2Dr. Bhagyashree Amingad, 3Dr. Hanumanthappa V Airani
25 Minimally Invasive Diagnosis of Tubercular Lymphadenitis – The Role of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology

Author: 1Jiya Jaleel, 1Rupinder Kalra, 1Mukta Ahuja, 2Aswathy Gopalakrishnan, 2Arsha Narayanan
26 A Minimally Invasive L5-S1 Discectomy by Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy in A Patient of L5-S1 Intervertebral Disc Prolapse with S1 Nerve Root Compression: A Case Report

Author: 1Dr Vishawanath Bhagavati, 2Dr Akash Damodar Lotlikar, 3Dr. Gangadhar Bhuti
27 Incidence and Microbiological spectrum of Peritonitis in Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: A Retrospective Study

Author: 1Dr. Manjuri Sharma, 2Dr. Harmeet Singh, 3Dr. P Doley, 4Dr. G Pegu
28 Vaginal Reconstruction with Mcindoe Technique with Bilateral Orchidectomy in Testicular Feminisation Syndrome: A Case Series

Author: 1Meghana Patil, 2MPA Sailakshmi, 3Mali Chetan SM
29 The Influence of 0.2 % Chlorhexidine Mouthwash on Oral Bacterial Load: An in Vivo Comparative Study in Tobacco and Non-Tobacco Users

Author: 1Dr Krishnaprasad L, Dr Julia Jacob Ukken
30 Lap Cholecystectomy under Spinal Anesthesia- Comparative Study between Conventional-Dose and Low-Dose Hyperbaric Bupivacaine

Author: 1Dr. Santosh Gupta, 2Dr. Danish Sharma, 3Dr Arjit Kapoor
31 Disulfiram Associated Peripheral Neuropathy in Patients with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome

Author: 1Dr. Ashwitha Carl, 2Dr. Chandini, 3Dr. Sharol L Fernandes, 4Dr. Siddharth Shetty A., 5Dr. Rojina, 6Dr. Safeekh A.T.
32 Impact of Multimodal Analgesia in ERAS Protocols on Recovery after Major Abdominal Surgery

Author: 1Dr. Santosh Gupta, 2Dr. Shilpi Kapoor, 3Dr Arjit Kapoor, 4Dr. Gurpal Singh
33 Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: A Comprehensive Review

Author: 1Sauptik Ray, 2Ananya Guha, 3Madhumaitri Patra
34 Correlation between Academic Procrastination and Self-Esteem among Dental students of an institute of Northern India: A Cross-Sectional Survey

Author: 1Dr. Parneet Kaur, 2Dr. Manroop Maan, 3Dr. Pankaj Dixit, 4Dr. Ridhi Narang, 5Dr. Amanish Singh Shinh
35 The evaluation of Rosemary Oil as an anti-candidal agent and its effect on the flexural properties of a thermoplastic denture base resin – An In Vitro Study

Author: 1Sauptik Ray, 2Aparna Raghu, 3Dhanasekar Balakrishnan, 4Gauri S, 5Irene Mathew

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